A Transformational Story Intensive
Dr. Stanley Krippner, PhD and Personal Mythology
Personal Mythology News

Your unique personal myths, operating mostly as “strange attractors” outside your awareness, are guiding your life’s path. This workshop is a once in a lifetime opportunity to have one of the world’s foremost experts help you find the myths you are living and show you how to find the greatest opportunity for personal transformation precisely in the dysfunctional parts, that which is no longer working.

Dr. Stanley Krippner is an internationally known and loved teacher, co-author of both Personal Mythology and The Mythic Path, past President of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, recipient of numerous awards and the author of hundreds of articles. There are few people alive today with such an understanding of how to help you find these unconscious stories that are living through you.
--Student: John Anderson

Shamans and Shamanism: Points and Counterpoints

Recent developments in qualitative research and the innovative use of conventional investigative methods have provided the tools to bring both rigor and creativity to the disciplined examination of shamans, their behavior, and experiences. However, a review of Western psychological perspectives on shamans reveals several conflicting perspectives. This chapter focuses on these controversies. The term shaman is a social construct, one that has been described, not unfairly, as “a made-up, modern, Western category” (Taussig, 1989, p. 57). This term describes a particular type of practitioner who attends to the psychological and spiritual needs of a community that has granted that practitioner privileged status.

Shamans claim to engage in specialized activities that enable them to access valuable information that is not ordinarily available to other members of their community (Krippner, 2000). Hence, shamanism can be described as a body of techniques and activities that supposedly enable its practitioners to access information that is not ordinarily attainable by members of the social group that gave them privileged status. These practitioners use this information in attempts to meet the needs of this group and its members. Contemporary shamanic practitioners exist at the band, nomadic–pastoral, horticultural–agricultural, and state levels of societies. There are many types of shamans. For example, among the Cuna Indians of Panama, the abisua shaman heals by singing, the inaduledi specializes in herbal cures, and the nele focuses on diagnosis.

Link to download the remainder of the article in this PDF File

© Copyright Stanley Krippner Ph.D. 2002 Krippner, S. (2002). Shamans and shamanism: Points and counterpoints. In R.-I. Heinze(Ed.), Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference on the Study of Shamanism and Alternate Modesof Healing (pp. 174-194). Berkeley, CA: Independent Scholars of Asia.


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